All clubs within Authentic Centres for Excellence of Taekwon-Do accept that in all matters concerning child protection the WELFARE AND PROTECTION OF THE CHILD IS THE PARAMOUNT CONSIDERATION.
It is the policy of all clubs and the Authentic Centres for Excellence of Taekwon-Do to safeguard the welfare of children and all others involved in its activities by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.
Everyone has a duty to act if they have concerns about the behaviour of someone. Within the club this may be where an instructor is:
Neglectful in that he/she is not ensuring that the young people are safe, exposing them to undue cold, heat or to unnecessary risk of injury.
Causing physical abuse by having the nature and intensity of training and competition exceeding the capacity of the young persons immature and growing body; or where drugs are used to enhance performance.
Involved in sexual abuse by coaching techniques which involve inappropriate physical contact or talking to young people in a sexual explicit manner; including inappropriate jokes.
Emotionally abusive where there is persistent emotional ill treatment of a young person such that they feel frightened or in danger, bullied or subjected to constant criticism or unrealistic pressure to perform to high expectations consistently.
Reporting Procedures
If you are an adult club member/parent/guardian
If a young person says or indicates that he/she is being abused (even if it outside the club environment), or information is obtained or observations are made which gives concern that a young person is being abused, you must react immediately by:
- Ensuring the safety of the young person.
- Contacting the Association Child protection Officer,Grand Master O’Neill,, 07831846342 - Contact the local Social Services or Police who will advise on what action to be taken.
If you are a child/young person:
- You may not want or be able to speak to an adult you know so you can speak to someone who can help on the phone first from the:
- NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000
- Childline on 0800 1111